If you knew that your expected voyage could end in your death; would you go? Well, Allen Gardiner did! Allen Gardiner along with six other companions would sojourn to a lost island in South America to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ! Seven men would go and seven men would soon die for Christ! Why, because what they were living for was worth dying for.
Today, we will revisit the life of one of our Lord’s most precious saints!
Allen Gardiner
Born June 28th, 1794, early in Allen Gardiner’s life, he had the want to go to the island of Tierra del Fuego to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Believing that the Gospel of Jesus Christ should be preached to all nations:
“Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world. Amen.” - (Matthew 28:19-20 KJV)
In that day, the people on the island were considered hostile, the land was barren and the climate was severe. Because of this Allen had a very difficult time finding people to fund his trip. However, this would not discourage him; he would continue to fight for what he believed the Lord had willed for him to do.
Eventually, Allen would receive enough funds to get to Tierra del Fuego. Not only would he get the funds that he needed; he would also find six good men who would sojourn along with him.
With a crew, a ship, six months worth of supplies and a promise that more supplies would come six months after them; Allen and his companions set out for the small island in South America.
One way trip
Upon arriving on the island, Allen and his companions realized that what was before them would be difficult. Not knowing the language or having any type of physical protection; they would often have to flee for their lives! The natives would come at night and steal their supplies and keep them on the run. With most of their supplies stolen or washed away by the currents it would soon become obvious that this would be a one way trip.
Going home
Allen and his six companions, would finally find a safe place to wait for their relief ship but the relief ship was not coming! The promise made to them would not be fulfilled by their companions at home; leaving the seven men to die on the little island!
Slowly, each man would succumb to sickness, starvation or the elements. All men would die with one thing in sight; the heavenly home that was awaiting them.
Though, things went drastically wrong; not one man regretted the decision they made! Each man would use their dying breath to “praise God”!
Of the seven men, Allen would be the last to enter his eternal home. On September 6th, 1851, Allen’s journey through this life had come to an end! The good and faithful servant would enter into the joy of our Lord!
“His lord said unto him, Well done, good and faithful servant; thou hast been faithful over a few things, I will make thee ruler over many things: enter thou into the joy of thy Lord”- (Matthew 25:23 KJV)
Worth dying for
Allen Gardiner spearheaded a movement that would not just lead to his death but the death of his six companions. Eventually, another group of men would return to the island in Allen’s name to finish what Allen had started. Each one of these men would be speared to death upon stepping foot on the island!
Allen Gardiner and his companions sojourned with one goal; preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ! Though, not one of these men would share one word of the Gospel of Jesus Christ to any of the inhabitants of the island of Tierra del Fuego: all were willing to lay down their lives for Christ!
Because, what Allen and his companions chose to live for was worth dying for! Allen Gardiner, one of those precious saints of whom the world was not worthy!
Read more inspirational stories from individuals who were too good for this world at either of the links below: STEPPED out onto the HORIZON
Hattie Mae: One of the World’s Most Precious Saints
William Booth: The PROPHET of the POOR
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