Do you ever think about what it will be like to be in the presence of the greatest saints of all of the ages? Yes! No! Let’s think about it, together.

One Day

One day, our King will assemble His court! And, before His court we all must stand to answer for the deeds done in the body.

"For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ; that every one may receive the things done in his body, according to that he hath done, whether it be good or bad."
(2 Corinthians 5:10 KJV)

If you believe in Jesus Christ; you will make it to the judgment of the saints! You will get to await your turn, at judgment, alongside the world’s greatest saints!

Somewhere in attendance

David Brainard

Somewhere in attendance will be, David Brainard. You may not know him or recognize him but you will get to witness his judgment! You will get to witness the King of Kings, review the record of David’s life. What was David’s life?

His life can be summed up as one of prayer, of service, a life lived so near to the heart of God that he did not even want to be on this earth!

We can take a closer look at David’s life. David often could find no place to pray so he would sit knee deep in the snow; praying and praying; often until the sweat from his body melted the snow. When he was not praying he was preaching to the small flock that our God entrusted him with.

He only possessed a cowhide, a horse or mule and a little hut; he barely had enough to eat! Oh, and there is one more thing! When he coughed he spit blood, when sneezed he sprayed blood, through all of his pain; he never stopped saying; how our God is so good!

I do not know about you, but I do not want to be anywhere near this saint on Judgment Day!

The early Moravians

Somewhere in attendance will be individuals from the early Moravian church! Many of their names are not known in this life but we will all get to know them at the Judgment Seat of Christ. We will watch one by one, as our Christ judges the life of those men and women who said that they would rather die than fail Christ.

The early Moravian’s took our Lord’s Great Commission very seriously! They knew what they believed; how do we know?

Many of them would pack and send their belongings for their upcoming mission trip ahead of them; in a coffin! And, when asked the question, why would you go on a mission trip if you know that on that trip you are going to die? Each one would respond with a similar answer; “When I die, there are two more waiting to get their chance to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ”.

Again, I do not want my life judged anywhere near saints like this!

The Dying thief

Well, one thing that we will all have in common, is the new Christians favorite verse. Say it with me:

"There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit." (Romans 8:1 KJV)

Let’s take our favorite verse and go look for the dying thief from the Cross.

Remember, the dying thief? He got saved on the final tick of the hour; being delivered by our Christ himself. He is the one to be judged next to, if you are hanging onto Romans chapter eight verse one.

While you are holding on to Romans chapter eight verse one; remember, every saint in attendance will know that verse. The difference between you and greatest saints of all of the ages will be that they won’t stand before the Lord of Lords looking for crowns as they squeeze the life out of that verse!


I write this as a reminder for you to shape up your life in Christ! If you do not believe in Jesus Christ; now is the time! On the day that our Christ convenes His court it will be too late!

You will not be able to undo anything that you have done! The book known as your life will be closed to you. The next time you will see your life will be when our Christ displays it on the screen for all of those in attendance to see!

I highlight David Brainard because he is one of the world’s greatest saints! We can search all of creation and we will struggle to find a life lived like David Brainard’s. Regardless, he too must stand before our Christ and answer for his life.

The key word in our verse for today, is “All”! From the world’s greatest saints to the most vile individual; there are no exceptions! We must all stand before the same Jesus Christ!

Borderline Salvation

I highlight the dying thief because his life is the average saints life of today; getting by on borderline salvation!

Regardless, if you get out of this life on borderline salvation or if you truly live a life in Christ; you will answer to the same Jesus Christ! I’ll leave you with the words from one of the twentieth centuries greatest preachers:

“No being a Christian is not so simple after all. It is a majestic thing.”

-Leonard Ravenhill

“At the Voice of the Son of God” is an eighteen day devotional written to remind a generation that we must all stand at the Judgment Seat of Christ. If you found something in today’s blog; you will find more in “At the Voice of the Son of God”. “At the Voice of the Son of God” coming soon!

Until then, you can read more about our Christ by clicking on any of the blogs found on atabran. Here are a few links:

The MOST precious THING we WILL ever HANDLE

The GREATEST MESSAGE this WORLD has ever known


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