It is easy to look at the state of the world today and worry about fulfilling our needs. The current pandemic may have impacted you in an extraordinary way. You may be suffering from a job loss, a substantial drop in your income, you may have contracted the virus and have struggled to get over it and worse of all you may have lost a loved one during this time.

Global pandemic

Yes, this global pandemic has had a horrible effect on the world. So, now I will ask you what about that person across the street from you who was barely holding on and is now living on the street. What about that person who could barely feed their family before and now they rely on the help of others to put food on their tables?

Kind act of charity

Lastly, never lose sight of the person sitting on the other side of the world from you who before the pandemic did not have a roof over their head or clean food to eat; they are suffering from this pandemic too! No matter how hard this pandemic hit you; it hit someone else harder!

This is where we turn to today’s verse; in today’s verse we are reminded of the kindness of charity. Charity is the act of giving of oneself in exchange for nothing. 

“Charity suffereth long, and is kind; charity envieth not; charity vaunteth not itself, is not puffed up,”- (1 Corinthians 13:4 KJV)

I will ask you reader, during this time of world suffering; where is your charity? Are you looking for ways to help those around you? It does not have to be an overly outward act; it could be simply asking the person next to you if there is anything that you could do to help them. As you go about your day, do not forget that so many people’s lives depend on the kind act of charity!

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