As I sit here writing this blog, there are “supposedly” over two billion professed Christians in the world. To that, I roll on the floor with laughter. Before, I pass judgment, let’s take a look at what the world looks like today; with over two billion professed Christians walking it!
Let’s look at the world today; what does it look like? With the light of Christ “supposedly” living in the bodies of over two billion people.
Let’s start with beliefs. As a Christ follower you know in your Spirit that there is ONLY ONE WAY to eternal peace. But yet, the world possess so many “beliefs”. With the favorite being that there is MORE than ONE WAY to eternal peace. Where are the billions of Christ followers; whose ONE job is to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ?
Where are the Christ followers who are supposed to tell everyone who believes in anything other than the crucified Christ; that they are going to hell! There are no if’s, and’s or but’s; if you believe anything other than Jesus Christ crucified; hell is your eternal home!
The World
Where are the two billion Christ follower’s whose job it is; to warn the world about their “fake christ”? The world that wants to hear this “love story” about a “christ”; who was a good man, a teacher, so soft spoken, so beautiful and sweet. With two billion Christ followers in the world; why is this idea of our Christ still present?
Where are the billions of Christ followers who will stand up and say; this image of our Christ was invented in hell! I wonder of the “supposed” two billion Christ followers, how many have one of these blasphemous demonic images in their homes?
The Church
Finally, let’s end with the Church of Jesus Christ! With over two billion, Christ followers on this earth; the church of Christ has never been more of an embarrassment to our Holy God. Look at the church today! The Spirit of the anti-christ is raging and the apostasy is at an all time high!
But, it is over two billion professing Christians though! Stop with the lies!
You can count on your hands the number that left that upper room. And, they went on to set the world on fire for Christ. They literally TURNED this world UPSIDE down!
Stop it!
If you found your way to my website today and you “profess” to be a Christ follower. Make sure that you are really what you say that you are! Why? Because our Christ is coming! He is on His way to this earth and all of the “fake Christians” will join all of the unbelievers in hell!
If you are who you say that you are: Go tell somebody about the crucified Christ!
I will leave you with the words from one of the twentieth centuries greatest preachers.
“Over ninety percent of the professing Christians in the world are not saved. Many walk down the aisles of church’s every Sunday and they are going straight to hell.” – Leonard Ravenhill
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Read more about our God, our Christ by clicking on any of the blogs on atabran. Here are a few quick links:
Never Ending Torment: To FOREVER be CUT OFF from GOD
The GREAT DAY of JUDGMENT: What will it be like?
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