Are you looking to begin studying the bible but you are not sure what verses to start with? Or, are you looking to restart or improve your devotional time and want a quick study packet?
At the following link, , you will find a FREE downloadable study packet. In this packet you will find study verse(s) broken down day by day; along with a checklist at the bottom of the first page!
Monday and Tuesday, will be the twenty third Psalm; Wednesday and Thursday will be verses nine through thirteen of chapter six of our Lord’s Gospel as recorded by Matthew. Friday, Saturday and Sunday will be review and recap days!
The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want; if you do not know or have forgotten: this packet is for you!
The disciple asked our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ to teach them how to pray; if you have forgotten that prayer: this packet is for you!
If you would like more of these FREE resources; click on atabran and hover over the “Resources” tab.
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