David Brainard, was once described as a man who stepped out onto the horizon; willing to risk it all on his conviction. What better way to describe a life lived for God!
Though, David passed from this life at the ripe old age of twenty eight; his life would inspire some of the world’s greatest saints.
Something more..
Gideon Hawley wrote of his time in the mission fields; he recalled how he needed something more than what this life could offer to encourage him. Gideon detailed finding that something in the life and diary of David Brainard.
Gideon told of packing for his mission trip and taking with him two books! One book was his Bible; the other book was the Life and Diary of David Brainard. During those days, when the mission fields were extremely hard; Gideon said he turned to those two books for help!
Payson and Carey
Edward Payson, was once given a copy of the life and diary of David Brainard. His response was simply: “I have never seen anything like this in my entire life”. Edward would go on to have a prayer life that some would say; eclipsed that of David’s.
William Carey, had a comfortable life and a comfortable ministry. But, he knew that his life’s work would be in India. But, during William’s day, India was considered a dark hole; his friend’s and family encouraged him not to go.
It was during this time that he came across the life of David Brainard; and from reading the book of this precious saint. William knew that he must follow our Lord’s Great Commission. William left his comfortable life and went to India. He would spend the last forty years of his life in India; not knowing that the rest of the world was following his example or that he would one day be called the “Father of Modern Missions”.
John Wesley
John Wesley worked in ministry his whole life. But, it wasn’t until an encounter with a group of Moravians and the diary of the life of David Brainard; that John was set on the road toward becoming who he was meant to be.
John was very well known, he was a very rich man, he helped abolish slavery in England, and he tried to do the same in America. And, when John preached,“Holy Ghost fire” fell!
John, disciplined every area of his life. From how he spent his money to how he spent his time. How do we know? Out of all of his wealth, he left this life with his preaching cloak and the exact money needed to pay each man who would carry his coffin.
At four o’clock, of every morning of everyday of his life; he had a standing appointment…with God! And, there is one more thing! He left this world the Methodist church!!
Count again…
You see what came from the life of a little man who weighed no more that one hundred pounds. Now, you may be reading this and saying; “this is just three men”. If that is you; I want you to go back and count again!
Millions of lives have been changed by missions. Missions that were formed from the example of William Carey; William Carey who got the spark that he needed from the life of David Brainard.
What about the lives that were touched by the prayers of Edward Payson? Remember, Payson wore his body down interceding for lost souls!
Do not forget those who “passed from death to life” at the hands of the man who preached with Holy Ghost fire! And, what about the millions who have passed through the Methodist church?
Finally, you have to count all the way down through time; to me! In the two thousand twenty first year of our Lord; I sit forever changed by the life of David Brainard.
Here I sit, remembering having to take breaks in my reading because I could not see through the tears! Here I sit, having been convicted of my “sloppy creature comforted Christian life”. Why? Because I read about a man who never got enough to eat! A man who owned nothing, he barely had a shirt to change! A man who had to sit out in the SNOW to pray!
I will forever be changed by the life of a man; who sprayed out blood every time he sneezed or coughed. I will forever be changed by having to read the dying words of this sweet saint and having the opportunity to see what a true Christian life looks like!
I sit here today, embarrassed by my Christian life because if David Brainard is the bar; many of us “believers” deserve nothing more than to sleep outside of God’s gate! And, that is because our God is a merciful God!
Willing to RISK it ALL on a CONVICTION
Once upon a time, a man stepped out onto the horizon. This man was willing to risk everything on his conviction. Yes, he believed in Jesus Christ but he wanted our God! That is it! He wanted nothing from this life; his soul moaned and groaned because all it wanted was to return to our God!
I am out of words; so let’s end with this.
If you have never read the Life and Diary of David Brainard; you have no excuse!
If you are ready to be changed, get you a copy of the Life and Diary of David Brainard.
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FREE 18 Day Devotional: At The Voice of the Son of God
“At the Voice of the Son of God” is an eighteen day devotional written to remind a generation about the Judgment Seat of Christ. If you are a believer, you are going to see the men I wrote about in this blog. You will watch our Christ place the fire to their lives then it will be your turn!
Download the FREE devotional and start preparing for your final judgment today.
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