Reader, it does not matter if you do or do not believe in the ONE TRUE GOD! It does not matter if you do or do not know JESUS CHRIST as Lord. You will settle up with God, one DAY!
A well known preacher from the twentieth century once stated that man has one obligation. That obligation is to repent!
Repent and turn from the unrighteous, unholy and degenerate way! And, as those who know our Lord’s Living Word knows that mankind will NEVER repent.
We saw it in Noah’s time, when those around Noah had one hundred years to REPENT. And they still ended up drowning in the flood!
Man’s unwillingness to repent is a common theme throughout our Lord’s Living Word. And, man will go on in this unrepentant way until our Lord convenes His eternal court!
I am here today to remind you that it does not matter if you repent or not! You will settle up with God, one day!
You may be reading this and be a believer. A believer, in the ONE TRUE GOD and our Lord Jesus Christ. You too will settle up with God, one day. You too, will answer for your actions, deeds, every idle word spoken and every secret thing!
Did you think you would bypass our Lord’s eternal judgment?
Judgment Seat of Christ
WE all have an eternal date before the King of Kings and Lord of Lords! If you do not believe in Him, so what! Not believing in Him will not exempt you from His eternal court.
If you call Him, Lord and Christ, you are better off! But, you will face judgment just the same!
From the moment I heard about the eternal judgment that awaits me; I have began to prepare! I have placed the Judgment Seat of Christ at the front of my life. Knowing and respecting that I am “personally accountable to God”.
Can you say the same?
At the Voice of the Son of God
At the Voice of the Son of God is a FREE eighteen day devotional written to remind a generation that we must ALL stand at the Judgment Seat of Christ!!
It is time to take a look at the Judgment that awaits you!
Here is the link to the FREE devotional: FREE 18 Day Devotional: At The Voice of the Son of God
Read more about our Christ by clicking on any of the blogs on
Here are a few quick links:
Noah and 100 years of OBEDIENCE
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