When it comes to the topic of prayer; many when asked will say that prayer alone changes nothing. If you are one of the individuals who believes that prayer alone does not work: I will gladly ask you… Who are you praying too? Because the God that I serve answers prayers!
How do I know? I have seen Him do it and I have heard countless stories of Him answering the prayers of those who call on His name. But, if you are still not convinced, keep reading.
Sarah Cooke
You have probably heard of D.L. Moody but have you heard of Sarah A. Cooke? Moody, G Campbell Morgan and Spurgeon are well known because their ministries were out in the front. But their ministries were fueled by the Sarah A Cooke’s. It was the fervent prayer that made these ministries what they were!
Who do you think the Holy Ghost was answering too? The Holy Ghost does not care about NO MAN, his prestige or his title! The Holy Ghost responds to prayer!!!
Yes, Moody was upfront when people where being baptized with Holy Ghost fire but the Holy Ghost was responding to the prayers of the prayer warriors like Sarah A. Cooke.
Praying John Hyde
History records what a marvelous thing it was for those who were blessed to hear John Hyde pray. Many would record that to hear him pray meant to step from time into eternity. He spent his life in India, praying and praying for lost souls.
He received the greatest of rewards! His trips from time into eternity wore his body down; you see the power of true intercession is real. Real enough to cause a man’s heart to shift in his chest cavity.
Do you still believe that prayer alone does not work?
George Muller
Our final example, will be that sweet little man; George Muller. Muller spent his life praying for the orphans in Bristol, England. George cared for, housed and fed thousands of orphans over the course of fifty years through the power of prayer!!
George did not take out any loans, he did not fund raise, he did not have a bank account; instead he prayed for all of his needs. George prayed and our Lord answered him every single time! During a time when word traveled slowly; George Muller was known around the world!
Imagine how George would look at you; if you told him, that prayer alone does not work.
Prayer alone
I went to some of the world’s greatest prayer warriors for my examples today. You may be thinking that, these individuals cannot be used in comparison. Because they obviously represent the upper echelon of those great saints and mighty prayer warriors. I will say to you, these saints are a perfect example!
They were praying to the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. The God who is the same yesterday, today and forever. The God who answers prayers. If you have got this far and you still think that prayer alone does not change anything; I will encourage you to get to know the ONE TRUE God.
If you are..
If you are reading this and you do not know the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob; it is time that you do! Start now, as His word says:
"Let the wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts: and let him return unto the Lord, and he will have mercy upon him; and to our God, for he will abundantly pardon." (Isaiah 55:7 KJV)
As you read this, our God is still seated on a throne of mercy. Do not wait too long; for shortly many will call upon Him and not be able to find Him!
"Then shall they call upon me, but I will not answer; they shall seek me early, but they shall not find me"(Proverbs 1:28 KJV)
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FREE 18 Day Devotional: At The Voice of the Son of God
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