Reader, I am sure that you have heard of the names Pontius Pilate and Herod. You may not know the whole story but you do know that these two men had one thing in common.
Shared interest
Pontius Pilate and Herod had no regard or any reason to care what the other thought.
Until that day when a PROBLEM arose!
This PROBLEM that came was expected. It had been prophesied about for centuries!
It’s interesting how man can disagree on everything until that one thing comes that bothers them both! And how in that time those two men will join together to rid themselves of that PROBLEM.
If you do not know by now what their PROBLEM was; I will tell you.
The common PROBLEM that would plague these two men in this life and that is still plaguing them in hell right now; is JESUS CHRIST!
John the Baptist had arrived on the scene making a path for THE CHRIST!
And, Pontius Pilate and Herod knew that they where both in trouble! The CHRIST was coming; this was a PROBLEM! And, there was nothing that they could do to stop Him!
Can you imagine?
Pontius to Herod and Herod to Pontius; the Savior is here! This is a PROBLEM!
Remember when Pilate wrote the sign:
"And Pilate wrote a title, and put it on the cross. And the writing was Jesus Of Nazareth The King Of The Jews." (John 19:19 KJV)
How about the time when Herod slew all of the children in Bethlehem under the age of two; hoping to kill the Christ; as A BABY.
Then Herod, when he saw that he was mocked of the wise men, was exceeding wroth, and sent forth, and slew all the children that were in Bethlehem, and in all the coasts thereof, from two years old and under, according to the time which he had diligently inquired of the wise men." (Matthew 2:16 KJV)
Yes, these two men had ONE thing in common; their shared HATRED for the CHRIST!
Even today, these two men still have the same shared interest. Though, they both received a better place in hell; they are still in hell!
They will FOREVER be linked by their HATRED for the CHRIST! And, when the Lord empties hell and the final judgment of man takes place both men will stand before the same Jesus Christ!
All over the world today, men and women will come together in their belief that sin is okay. Men and women will say; “Worship whatever god you want; that is a personal decision.” But, say the name JESUS CHRIST and watch those same people unite to hate you!
Make no mistake
As we sit here today our Lord’s Word says that He is coming back! Just like the two characters above, when He arrives mankind will stand arm and arm and try to oppose Him. Man will share one common interest that will be their FEAR of the CHRIST!
Make no mistake; with Pilate and Herod our Christ laid His life down. Upon His return to this earth; He will have ten thousand of His saints and His mighty angels.
There will be no negotiations, no war time strategy and no formulation of plans; His arrival will catch many off guard.
There is no war that will take place with Him; everyone that does not know Him will be in flight mode!
IF you…
If you are here today and you do not call Jesus Christ, Lord. He is coming and like Pilate and Herod; you will not be prepared to handle Him.
Call on the Lord Jesus!
“Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved.” (Acts 4:12 KJV)
Download my FREE eighteen day devotional titled At the Voice of the Son of God. At the Voice of the Son of God is an eighteen day devotional written to remind a generation that we must ALL stand at the Judgment Seat of Christ!!
Here is the link: FREE 18 Day Devotional: At The Voice of the Son of God
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the CHRIST is COMING; there is NO WAY to ESCAPE
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