Ever wonder how one can become known as one of their generations greatest preachers?

Leonard Ravenhill

“His preaching was to the conscience. It stabbed you in the heart. It called for a verdict!”

Born on June 18, 1907, Leonard Ravenhill testified of his own conversion happening by witnessing his fathers prayer life.

As a young man, he would walk the length of England. Surviving many days only on tomato, bread and coffee.

Love for God

But, what a love for God he must have had to answer the calling of being a preacher.

This was a man who once said:

“I preach because God called me to preach. And I do not care if you believe me or not; I am not responsible for that. I preach out of my heart all that I believe and I would die for it.”

-Leonard Ravenhill

No issues

And, if you have ever heard one of his sermons; you know that he did not care!

He was unapologetic about the call of a preacher and the Gospel!

He had no issues telling you with love:

“Go to hell and live with all of the scum of the earth.”

-Leonard Ravenhill

Known in hell

This is the same preacher who declared openly that he wanted to be known in hell!

“My main ambition in life is to be on the devil’s most wanted list.”

-Leonard Ravenhill

This is a man who would spend his entire life devoted to the things of God. He would earn a reputation of being a fiery preacher.

But, how did he get there?

What made this man of God so different?

my son…

To answer that question we must go all the way back to June 18, 1907. This is day that Leonard Ravenhill was born into this world. This was also the day that Leonard Ravenhill’s mother gave him back to God!

This mighty preacher told the story that his mother told him.

She said, that shortly after pushing him into this world. She laid her hands on him and prayed to the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac and the God of Jacob.

To make her son a preacher or TAKE HIS LIFE!

Great preacher

What a sacrifice! And, out of that sacrifice came one of the greatest preachers that this world has ever known.

Tell me that this was not a man who had an anointing! A man who had a calling on his life!

And, a man who answered that calling.

Leaving behind inspiration and encouragement for saints that would follow him!

Great distinctions

As the mighty preacher once said:

“There will be great distinctions in Heaven.”

-Leonard Ravenhill

Leonard Ravenhill will be one of those great distinctions!

What a sacrifice his mother made! What an example his father gave him. And, what a calling to answer!

Leonard Ravenhill, one of whom this world was not worthy!

Available for purchase

Chosen Vessel of Christ

Ever wonder how one became known as the “Chosen Vessel of Christ”?

Or, what could turn a man who hated all things Christ into one of the greatest laborers of Christ?

How does this happen?

Chosen Vessel of Christ, was written to detail the conversion of the Apostle Paul while highlighting the Redemptive Power of Jesus Christ!

Chosen Vessel of Christ can be purchased by following the link below:


Available for FREE download

Download my FREE eighteen day devotional titled At the Voice of the Son of God. At the Voice of the Son of God is an eighteen day devotional written to remind a generation that we must all stand at the Judgment Seat of Christ!!

Here is access to the link: A LIFE that will OUTLAST the REVEALING FIRE

Read more about our Christ, the One True God, hell and the Final Judgment of Man by clicking on any of the blogs on atabran.com.

Here are a few quick links:

REDEEM the TIME for the HOUR is LATE




Come ONE! Come ALL! Heaven is waiting?!?

Until I HEAR… I will TRUST in the LORD

“It’s the BLOOD of the LAMB”

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