Just as the Lord Jesus Christ has those who are working to further the Kingdom of God. Satan has those who are working to further his kingdom.
Today, we will discuss what happens to those who choose to work for the enemy of the Cross of Christ!
Church of satan
The subject of today’s blog is a man who spent his entire life laboring for satan. So much so, that he founded the church of satan.
We are not going to spend a lot of time on a man whose one mission was to work for satan. We will not relive the life of a man who spent his entire life clawing his way into hell.
What we will do is fast forward to the last seconds of that mans life. And, revisit his recorded last seconds on this earth.
Death bed
The wise preacher once said:
“We learn how to LIVE and as we LIVE so we DIE.”
-S. M. Lockridge
This evil man would learn this lesson as he began to slip from this life! The man in this story would have an opportunity to see the eternity that was waiting for him.
After a life’s work, you would think that this man would be delighted to meet the one he labored so hard for.
As he laid, glancing into his would be eternity; he would utter his final words. They where something along the lines of:
“Oh my, oh my, there is something very wrong. There is something very wrong, there is something very wrong.”
-Final Words of a Damned Soul
What did he see?
Waiting for him
What was waiting for him? We cannot say, but what we know is that he was not expecting whatever he saw!
Remember, he worked his ENTIRE LIFE to get there. This is a man who labored and labored against the Gospel of Jesus Christ!!
This was a man who choose satan! This was a man who believed the lies of one that is known as a liar and murderer.
"Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it." (John 8:44 KJV)
I cannot imagine the eternity of torment that awaited a man who worked so hard to find favor with a liar and a murderer.
The preacher of old once said it and I will repeat it. “Satan is a terrible task master”!
The Christ
Reader, the saddest part about the man in this story; is that even on his death bed he could have called on the name Jesus Christ! The Christ whom he hated would have found GRACE and MERCY to help him!
The ALL SUFFICIENT SAVIOR would have snatched this evil man from the clasp of hell; all he had to do was call on him!
Yet, he chose to follow a liar and a murderer straight to the bottomless pit!
Out of words
Reader, I find no joy in writing such stories but the world needs such reminders!
As I said in the beginning, there are those who labor for the Gospel of Jesus Christ. And, there are those who labor against Him.
The difference is simple; the Gospel of Jesus Christ tells you exactly what will happen to you. It provides instructions on how to know Christ, get through the Christian life and what happens after death.
The eternal promise of Christ is fulfilled after death; He tells of what life after death looks like for those who follow Him.
His enemy, the liar and the murderer, will give you what you want in this life and neglect to tell you what will happen to you in the next!
If you are…
If you are here today and you do not know Jesus Christ; repent, confess and believe. Right now, He is still sitting on a throne of mercy and grace. He will turn away no one who calls on Him;
"All that the Father giveth me shall come to me; and him that cometh to me I will in no wise cast out." (John 6:37 KJV
Download my FREE eighteen day devotional titled At the Voice of the Son of God. At the Voice of the Son of God is an eighteen day devotional written to remind a generation that we must all stand at the Judgment Seat of Christ!!
Here is access to the link: FREE 18 Day Devotional: At The Voice of the Son of God
Read more about our Christ, the One True God, hell and the Final Judgment of man by clicking on any of the blogs on atabran.
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…the BIBLE… It does not WORK that WAY…
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