Reader, our God can be found at the intersection of knowledge and wisdom.
Generation after generation has produced individuals who have spent their life trying to “find God”.
A wise preacher once said that the Old Testament builds character.
And, the Old Testament is where we will go to find our answer.
I’ll let the wise Preacher tell you:
"The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom: and the knowledge of the holy is understanding."(Proverbs 9:10 KJV)
Knowledge and Wisdom
You see, our God is where He has always been! He sits at the intersection of knowledge and wisdom.
It is the fear of God that sets us down the path toward wisdom.
And, staying on the path called wisdom, eventually you will make it to knowledge.
And, with these two you will find holy understanding.
the Answer
Many have wasted their lives “searching” for God. To those individuals I cannot help but to have a few questions.
Like, where did they receive their instructions? Which map did they spend a “lifetime” following?
What “man” pointed them in the wrong direction?
Then, I would tell them that by simply searching our Lord’s Word they could have saved a lot of time.
..cost you..
Mankind has made the answer to this question very hard.
Because, it will cost you something to truly seek the One True God.
You cannot seek Him and be entertained by this world.
And, you will never find Him in the things of this world.
Yes, to truly seek and find Him; you must be willing to die to self!
And, dying to yourself comes with a cost!
The Lord’s WORD
If you want to meet our God; head down the road toward wisdom.
You may ask how do I get on the road?
The answer is simple! Open your Bible and start reading!
The answers are right there on the pages.
Many will spend thousands paying another human to tell them about the “meaning of life.”
When a wise scholar once said: “Get a Bible, notepad and pen and go fix all of the problems with your life.”
…at the intersection of knowledge and wisdom..
Look out for Chosen Vessel of Christ. Chosen Vessel of Christ follows the conversion of the Apostle Paul while highlighting the Redemptive Power that can only be found in Jesus Christ!
Chosen Vessel of Christ coming soon!
Download my FREE eighteen day devotional titled At the Voice of the Son of God. At the Voice of the Son of God is an eighteen day devotional written to remind a generation that we must all stand at the Judgment Seat of Christ!!
Here is access to the link: A LIFE that will OUTLAST the REVEALING FIRE
Read more about our Christ, the One True God, hell and the Final Judgment of Man by clicking on any of the blogs on
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