To be at the top of hell’s most wanted list! Do you recall the story recorded by Luke in the Acts of the Apostles; where several men who claimed to be exorcists tried to exorcise an evil spirit out of a man in the name of Jesus? Do you remember the evil spirit’s response?
If not let’s take a look at what Luke recorded about that event:
"And the evil spirit answered and said, Jesus I know, and Paul I know; but who are ye?" (Acts 19:15 KJV)
By the year of 1889, all the evil spirits and demons in hell knew J.H. Weber!
Today, we will take a look at the life of the man whose work for Christ; earned him a spot on hell’s most wanted list!
J. H. Weber
Though, much is not recorded about the life of this mighty saint; we do know that J. H. Weber was an intercessor! During his time on this earth he would prevail in prayer, wrestle for souls, become a mighty soul winner for Christ and stir up the depths of hell!
Born into poverty, Weber would come to Christ(at some point in his life) and after coming to Christ he would spend his time hunting for souls in factories, stores, shops, everywhere he could!
Weber was such a soul winner for Christ that between the time he hit town and the time that he left; all of the saloons, bars, etc. would be closed!
Prayer Life and Revival
The secret to Weber’s success was really no secret; he made prayer his business! Weber would pray and pray and pray and the results were seen in his ability to reach souls and to lead revival.
Weber also took the approach to preaching that was straight to you! He made it very clear that the only choice is Christ; and that all other choices lead to death!
Hell’s Most Wanted List
By the year of 1889, J. H. Weber soul searching, soul winning and prevailing in prayer had made him famous in hell. Weber was turning so many from the error of their ways and saving so many from death:
"Let him know, that he which converteth the sinner from the error of his way shall save a soul from death, and shall hide a multitude of sins." (James 5:20 KJV)
That by February 22, 1889, Weber would receive a letter from the “office of his satanic majesty hell”; which in summation stated:
“You are spoiling my business, taking souls that I had claimed. I will make it hot for you if you ever backslide.”
(summation quote taken from “The Fire That Once Was” by Frank “JJ” DI Pietro)
One of the twentieth centuries greatest preachers always preached on his want to be known in hell!
J. H. Weber did not have to want for he had definitely made hell’s most wanted list!
J. H. Weber, would reach down and stir up hell in Christ‘s name! Making him one of the world’s mightiest saints and one of those of whom this world was not worthy!
Do not leave the site without downloading my FREE eighteen day devotional titled At the Voice of the Son of God. At the Voice of the Son of God is an eighteen day devotional written to remind a generation that we must all stand at the Judgment Seat of Christ!
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CHRIST! Throwing FUEL on the FIRE!
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