If you have ever heard of Temple Baptist Church, Temple University and Temple University Hospital you have heard of the precious saint Hattie Mae Wiatt(Wyatt)! Hattie Mae Wiatt(Wyatt) is one of the world’s most precious saints; let’s talk about her!
Hattie Mae Wiatt(Wyatt)
Born May 16, 1877, Hattie Mae’s one want in this life was to help fund a building that would have a big enough Sunday school room to hold all of the little children that wanted to come to meet Jesus!
It was around the year of 1883 or 1884, that Hattie Mae would hear her friends talking about meeting Jesus at Sunday school. So, Hattie Mae decided that she wanted to go and meet Jesus too! The following Sunday, Hattie Mae’s mother dressed her in the best clothes that they had and sent her off to Sunday school.
Too crowded
Hattie, was so excited to get to meet Jesus; but as she approached the room the teacher told her that there were no more seats as she closed the door on this precious saint! As Hattie sat outside the door crying, one of the pastors noticed her, picked her up and took her into the room!
Though the Sunday school class was known for being crowded; Hattie Mae wasn’t welcome because she was wearing scraps for clothes!
As I think about the Sunday school teacher who closed the door on this sweet saint; I think about our Lord’s warning as recorded by Mark:
"But when Jesus saw it, he was much displeased, and said unto them, Suffer the little children to come unto me, and forbid them not: for of such is the kingdom of God." - (Mark 10:14 KJV)
A friendship formed
The pastor who befriended Hattie that morning would continue working in her life; for the rest of her life he would come and minister to her family and those who lived around her. Hattie herself would tell everyone she could about her friend, Jesus!
Whenever Hattie and the pastor was together; Hattie would always remind him to pray for a bigger church so that more children could come to Sunday school.
Eternal Home
The last time the pastor and Hattie spoke, he told her that they were going to have a bigger Sunday school room and her response was; “I hope you will”. A few short days later, Hattie Mae would pass from this life into the bosom of our Christ; she was seven years old!
The Fifty Seven cents
Her family would find a small pouch that contained fifty seven cents along with a note written by this precious saint. Hattie had saved for months to help build that bigger church; that would have a bigger Sunday school class! The pastor that she befriended, shared Hattie’s story before the congregation on a morning when a newspaper man was in attendance.
The newspaper man would write the story and newspapers around the world would pick it up! Hattie Mae was beginning to set the world on fire for Christ!
Donations would come from all over the world and within a few short years; Hattie’s fifty seven cents had become a quarter of a million dollars! And without Hattie Mae’s fifty seven cents; there would be NO Temple Baptist Church, Temple University or Temple University Hospital. You see the origins of all three can be traced back to Hattie Mae’s fifty seven cent offering!
Hattie Mae, one of the world’s most precious saints and one of those of whom this world was not worthy!
You can read more about those of whom this world was not worthy at: atabran. Just hover over the tab titled: “Of whom the world was not worthy” and click on any of the posts.
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