The final judgment of man is something that the Christian and non Christian would prefer not to speak about.
If you are one of those who do not believe in the final judgment of man or if you care not to think about it. I am glad that you found your way to my website today!
..few preachers..
Very few preachers will garner the subject of the final judgment of man. But, history has record of the true preachers who stood before their congregations and reminded those souls; that mans judgment awaits!
As I listened to the preacher describe the final judgment of man. A judgment where everyone from Adam to the very last human born on this earth will stand before the King of Kings and answer for their life.
I realized that this is a judgment that I am not prepared to handle!
Gone forever
Mercy, grace and repentance will all be things of the past! Unbeliever after unbeliever will answer for their life and head to an eternity of torment.
"And shall come forth; they that have done good, unto the resurrection of life; and they that have done evil, unto the resurrection of damnation." (John 5:29 KJV)
The believer will watch as many hear our Christ say: “I never knew you; depart from me”.
"And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity." (Matthew 7:23 KJV)
Not prepared..
When I heard a true preacher preach on the final judgment of man; I could not handle it!
So what did I do? I began living each day with eternities values in view.
Placing in front of every area of my life the understanding that I will one day answer to the Christ.
Everyone from Adam, to you, me and the last person who will ever be born; is personally accountable to God!
At the Voice of the Son of God
At the Voice of the Son of God is a FREE eighteen day devotional written to remind a generation that we must all stand at the Judgment Seat of Christ!!
Here is the link: FREE 18 Day Devotional: At The Voice of the Son of God
Download this FREE devotional and begin preparing for your final judgment!
…”personal accountability to God one day”…
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