Excerpt taken from “At the Voice of the Son of God”
“At the Voice of the Son of God” is an 18 day devotional written to remind a generation that we must all stand before the Judgment Seat of Christ.
The Hour is Coming
Day One of “At the Voice of the Son of God”; opens with a reminder that the hour is coming when all will hear and rise at the voice of the Son of God.
With the main emphasis being on the fact that; Jesus Christ stands at the end of the trail for each and everyone of us! There are no exceptions, no getting by or around Him. We must all stand before the Judgment Seat of Christ and answer for the deeds done in the body.
"For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ; that every one may receive the things done in his body, according to that he hath done, whether it be good or bad." (2 Corinthians 5:10 KJV)
What you do not see
You do not see any hypothesis or speculations made by the writer. Day One is written based on the Living Word of God. Every scripture used is to highlight our Christ, His Lordship and the Majesty that will be His eternal court.
Look at your life
Each day is written to allow you; the reader; the chance to evaluate your life! With my hope being that by day eighteen you have been changed!
If you are a non-believer; my hope is by day eighteen you have a yearn to want to belong to Christ! If you are a believer, my hope is that by day eighteen you have changed.
Changed your prayer life, changed the way you use your words and how you spend your time.
My prayer
For both the non-believer and the believer, my prayer is that this devotional changes the way you look at your final judgment. That you begin to understand the majesty of that day in eternity when the King of Kings convenes His eternal court.
I believe..
I believe that my Christ is who He says that He is; and I believe in His Lordship and Majesty and I believe in His eternal court!
The hour is coming when my Christ will speak and all of creation will do!
“At the Voice of the Son of God”; coming soon!
Until then, read more about our Christ and our Father in Heaven, by clicking on any of the links on atabran. Here are a few starter links:
NOW is the TIME to get RIGHT with GOD
One of the World’s Most Powerful Prayer Warriors
What is the Gospel of God’s GRACE?
Christ is the only TRUE and JUST Judge
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